You know the feeling when you have a great idea that you think is original, creative, and life affirming?

You feel delight and excitement during those creative spurts of intuitive guidance. You may even think to yourself, how come I didn’t think of such a great idea before? Maybe you can’t wait to get started on your newly discovered project and keep day-dreaming about how it will all come together perfectly.

But then it’s time to take the first concrete step towards your dream goal, and suddenly life takes over. It becomes complicated. Suddenly everything else requires your attention, work, family, financial constraints and on and on.

Slowly, slowly, self-doubt begins to creep in. You say to yourself, Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea after allMaybe I’m just a dreamer and all those great ideas and plans will never amount to anything.

Creative ideas reside in the spiritual realm, what Deepak Chopra calls “the field of pure potentiality.” When you access it, there are no limitations and everything is possible. So, when the muse graces you and you enter this realm, you feel free and your spirit soars. You are filled with innovative ideas that seem to come out of nowhere at the speed of light.

But our earthly material world of time and space works at a much slower pace. Think of how long it takes for this massive and beautiful tree to grow. Here things take time and we can only really focus on doing one thing at a time, in spite of our capacity to multi-task. All those great ideas of how we are going to share our gifts and talents with the world, increase our impact, and really make a difference, take time and hard work.

If you are like me and are full of ideas on how to improve your life and that of others, then you have probably been frustrated many times, thinking to yourself, Why can’t all these great ideas happen as fast as I can imagine them.I’ve even thought to myself, Why did this great idea pop into my head if it’s so difficult to actually make it happen?

Well, manifesting your highest dreams and visions takes time and hard work.

The three P’s of manifestation are:




I’ve had to learn this lesson the hard way. I get so full of excitement when I have a new idea and so impatient when it doesn’t happen immediately. Can you relate?

I have come to realize that in the process of developing patience, staying persistently on track, and persevering regardless of obstacles, we grow our love, care, and dedication to ourselves and to our visions and dreams. It takes time to infuse something we are creating with love. There is an expression that what comes easily goes easily. Likewise, what comes out of a labor of love is treated with love, care, and respect.

What is your labor of love and how is the Universe inviting you to deepen your commitment and calling?

Would love to hear from you so leave a comment below and share something about developing your muscles of patience, persistence, and perseverance.

Love and blessings,
