How to stay connected to the source that nourishes your whole being
With everything going on in the world this year, in addition to it being the holiday season, most of us are in need for some radical self-care. An afternoon nap followed by a movie with a cup of tea, or a 90-minute massage, sound really relaxing and enjoyable. While I wouldn’t say no to either of these, here’s another way to practice self-care which is nourishing to your whole being. I think of it as the ultimate self-care practice and can be used at any time, as you go about your daily routines.Want to listen instead?
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Time again for another Expanding on Expansive weekly tips and teachings. I’m Anna Gatmon, and wherever you’re watching this, this is coming to you from The Expansive with Anna Gatmon Instagram channel.
So let’s dive into today’s topic, which is your consciousness and expanding your consciousness as an act of self-care. So expanding your consciousness is an act of self-care, and I’m going to explain why.
And so I post on Wednesdays. I post, always, a focus that has to do with the expansive method, where I teach people how to expand into larger realities, spiritual reality, larger material reality as well. And so I want to address the four posts that I did in November. Each week, I spoke about, I think the first one in a different video, but I want to address them all as a theme.
And so expanding your consciousness means that you’re in a more spacious place. Okay? So more space means more possibilities, right? More opportunities, larger field of information than when you are in a constricted, more narrow consciousness or focus, right? Now, when you do that, you take in a larger field of reality of our world.
You begin to care for what you perceive. It becomes part of you. You become part of a larger piece of the world instead of being isolated, alone, forsaken, which we all have–I’ve had it so many times in my life– but when I can tap into this larger field of consciousness and I feel more spacious, I feel that I’m part of something larger, and I’m sure you have the same experience.
And so when you feel as you’re part of something larger, and you feel that the larger world is part of you, you feel love, you feel care for that larger piece, because now you’re part of a larger piece versus a smaller piece. So you see how it’s an act of self care to take in a larger piece and more wondrous piece of reality.
Now, when you’re in this expansive state, you remember your essence. When care for other things, nature, human beings, other species, other people, you see their essence. You see the best in them. You see the sacredness in them. And when you do that, you remember your own essence, their sacredness, your sacredness, you become aware of that.
And so that’s why expanding your consciousness is an act of self-care. Because when you remember your essence, who you really are at your essence, at your soul essence, and in this incarnation into this body who you are in this lifetime, you feel wonder, you feel joy, you feel enjoyment. The sacredness becomes an act of caring because you just appreciate yourself and anything that you bring into your world as you expand and allow more of the world to come into your field of awareness.
So that’s why it’s an act of self-care because you remember the essence of who you are in this spacious state, and you can see and perceive and appreciate the essence and the sacred essence of everything else that you bring into your world. Anything that you pay attention to you suddenly can appreciate it. You appreciate its sacredness its beauty, its purpose, its right to existence, its place in the web of life.
So when you are connected like this to your essence and the essence of everything that you focus on, it’s by nature, an act of self-love and self care because you are in your essence and when you’re in your essence, you are in self-care. You’re in self love and self appreciation and self-kindness and in world love and in world care and in world kindness and world appreciation.
So the four posts I posted this month. So November I dedicated as a month of self-care, as we were going into the holidays and with everything going on in the world, and I wanted you to pay attention from the beginning of November before the holidays and black Friday, starting in the madness, starting for you to practice self-care. And so many of the posts in November have all been about self-care.
So let’s go to the first post earlier in November where I posted on a Wednesday, when we expand our consciousness, we discover new possibilities and creative solutions to our current problems. So I’ve explained it, I know, in other videos, but I’ll just repeat it briefly again here. When you have a larger field of perception, you tap into a larger field of information and therefore a larger field of creative solutions to any problem that you’re dealing with– personal but also global. Now the answers to all our problems individually and collectively are in what Deepak Chopra calls ”the field of pure potentiality.” That’s how we’ve created civilization, right? Ideas that field that we go to of imagination of dreaming, of visioning, and then bringing it down to the material, physical world. That’s how we’ve created civilization from what ever grows above the earth and whatever is within the earth.
Think about it. That’s quite incredible. We don’t think today when we hold our smartphone: What’s the connection to that and the earth? So many degrees of separation, humanity has evolved so much, but it all comes from above the earth or below the earth. Everything that we have created here. And so we can solve any problem if we just expand our consciousness, tap into a larger field of possibilities, greater spaciousness, then we can solve collective problems because we will see the sacredness of the problem and the people involved or the issues involved. And we will want a solution that is good for everyone. And that keeps in mind the sacredness of life and creating wholeness in life. And the same for you and your problems.
Rather than trying to solve it from a narrow mindset, an expansive mindset, you will tap into creative solutions to any of your problems. The next post I posted the second week in November said, “When we expand our consciousness, we become aware of the beauty and wonder of our daily existence.” And so as I shared, the minute you see the sacredness of something, you appreciate someone else or something else or something in nature, you perceive its beauty.
The reason it touches you, you see the beauty or the love or the care or the preciousness. And so when you expand your consciousness and you feel more spacious, you feel that you’re part of a larger piece of the world rather than just you, yourself, isolated and alone, everybody else out there somewhere else, maybe in some club together that you’re not part of but separated. You begin to see the beauty in yourself, in your life, in the timelines of things, in the alignment of things, and beauty amplifies your connection to the larger wonder of the world. So you perceive beauty and wonder in your daily existence, when you have a spacious perspective and when you open your heart and are more expansive in your heart and your body and your emotions and your thoughts.
The third Wednesday I posted, “When we expand our consciousness, we are compelled to become a force for good in the world.” So the same thing, when we care for something, we want to be good to that something. We want to do good for that something, that project or that person or that animal or whatever it is. When we expand and bring the world– a larger piece of the world– into our heart, and into our being, and our conscious awareness, then we want to be a force for good, for this larger chunk of the world that we are now aware of and we care for. And so that’s how we become a force for good in the world.
And so finally, today the post said, “When we expand our consciousness, we begin to care deeply for others, human and nature.” Same thing, we expand our consciousness. We bring into our consciousness something that was not in our awareness before. Suddenly it’s part of who we are. And when we feel it as part of our tribe, we care for it more. And so when we begin to care deeply for other people, for other problems, other human issues, and we start caring for nature, we see the beauty, the sacredness of nature, we see the interdependence between us and nature, we want to be a force for good. We have compassion. We want to do whatever our personal way of contributing is, but we want to be a force for good and we want to solve our problems or this world problem or our problem, our next challenge from this expansive spacious state when we are more relaxed and we can get a perspective.
So these are the four posts that I posted this month of self-care on Wednesdays, and they all have to do with being expansive and how it serves you, and how it becomes an act of self-care. And the minute you see yourself as part of a larger world, your self-care is the care of this larger world. So it’s a care for the world and a care for yourself. And when you’re in an expansive state, you remember the essence of who you are. And when you have a direct connection to the life force flowing through you, and you know where you are at your essence, at your core, at your soul core, you feel so connected that that is an act of self-care in itself because you are in full direct connection to the life force, to the flow of worlds that, you know, the force that creates world is flowing through you, and you feel in self-care because you feel good. You feel part of something bigger and you’ve embraced a larger piece of the world with you.
I send you lots of blessings for the rest of the day, for the rest of the week, and the weekend. Practice self-care and grow the scope of who you include in your world so that your care is for your entire world, rather than just a small part of it.
I’ll see you next week, again, with another expanding on expansive weekly tips and teachings. You can leave me a message, a comment beneath, and I’ll engage with you.
Blessings of expansiveness till we meet again.