How did you feel when you made a decision based on your gut feeling? Did you feel centered, powerful, in tune with a higher truth?

When your intuition turned out to be right, how did you feel about yourself? Did it help build your confidence?

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

In other words, in order to get different results, you need to think differently.

Learning how to make intuitive decisions regularly and consistently can make the difference between drifting through life feeling like a victim of external circumstances and aligning yourself with your life’s purpose and making the most of lucky breaks that support your goals and highest values.

Intuitive hunches may seem to you like random acts of grace, but there is a method to the mystery of intuitive wisdom.

Here are four indicators that set your specific intuitive guidance apart from your regular thoughts:

  • Intuitive guidance occurs during expansive presence, when your conscious awareness has grown to include a larger field of reality. So 
if you are experiencing a sense of expansion, then you can assume that the thoughts you are having and understandings you gain are of an intuitive nature.
  • Such inner knowing appears in a sudden flash, like lightning. Unlike rational thought processes, which occur as a result of logical, deductive thinking, intuitive guidance seems to materialize instantly and out of nowhere.
  • Intuitive guidance provides a full and immediate understanding of a given situation. A thought that was not there a moment ago illuminates the circumstances. This new perspective or solution is accompanied by a sense of certainty, a sudden recognition that something is uniquely and incredibly right. It may suddenly seem like the best and only solution. Accompanying thoughts might be, Yes, I knew that all along, or Why haven’t I thought of that before?
  • Intuitive guidance is accompanied by an enhanced emotional state as a result of a sudden recognition of a compelling truth. Feelings may vary from inspiration, excitement, and clarity 
to an opening of the heart; regardless of the feeling, intuitive guidance carries with it a sense of contentment at being connected to an inner wisdom and a higher truth.

Practice differentiating your regular rational thoughts from your intuitive hunches. I’d love to hear how it goes, so leave a comment below or ask a question and I’ll be sure to respond.

​​​​​​​Here to help you live your highest calling,
