When I decided to say “yes” to my spouse’s marriage proposal twenty-six years ago, I did it based on an intuitive knowing that I was unable to back up with logic. I had been in a few long-term relationships before, but this one felt different.

I remember clearly thinking to myself at the time, “if I had married any of these other guys, my life would have remained stagnant and our marriage stale.” I couldn’t know that for sure, but I had an inner knowing that this was true.

In contrast, with my spouse-to-be, I felt that we would grow together and share many journeys, individually, as a couple, as parents, and as curious human beings exploring the world around us.

I knew this to be true even though there was no way for me to know what our marriage would really be like, and there was no logical explanation to this inner conviction I had.

Well, twenty-seven years later, I can say that my intuitive decision was accurate, as we have over this period been through many internal and external journeys, and still continue to do so…

We all make big life decisions and small daily decisions using our gut feeling. But how do we do it?

What I’ve discovered through many years of trial and error is that there is a method to making such intuitive decisions. The Four Keys to spiritual-material balance can help you take charge of your life and start making decisions that are aligned with your deepest values and highest aspirations.

In my book, Living A Spiritual Life in Material World: Four Keys to Fulfillment and Balance, you can find out more about the Four Keys and how they can help you make daily intuitive decisions that will bring you into greater alignment.

In the meantime, please leave a comment below and share a major decision you’ve made on a gut feeling, and how it turned out.

Here to help you live your highest calling,
