The beautiful chirping of this little bird just stopped me in my tracks the other day when I took my dog, Coco, for his morning walk. It made me feel such joy. It reminded me how beautiful life is, if I just stopped and paid attention to the small things…

Nature has that power to remind us of the essentials in life, the beauty all around us, the peace that lies within us that can be awakened in minutes, and the joy that is waiting to burst out from our heart at the smallest opportunity.

So the logic follows that if nature has the capacity to connect us instantly to such precious qualities, then we have these qualities within us. It means that we can access them when we so desire by creating the conditions to bringing them out.

Spending time in nature is one easy way to connect to spiritual qualities within us, but I understand that we can’t always be in nature just when we need to connect to some inner peace.

When I am seeking peace but don’t have access to nature, one simple thing I like to do is look at a stunning nature picture, or watch a video that instantly fills my heart with joy and tranquility.

Today, take just a few minutes of your time to enjoy nature. Start by watching this small snippet of my little friendly song bird.

Her to help you live your highest calling,
