In our conversation last week, I asked you to celebrate the good in your life, your achievements and anything exciting you’re about to embark upon. But what if you don’t feel like there’s anything to celebrate?
You’ve probably heard the saying, “God helps those who help themselves.”
If you find yourself in a challenging and even seemingly hopeless situation, the responsibility is on each one of us to do what it takes to get ourselves out of a difficult place. Sometimes, all we can do is change our attitude. In times of illness, war, natural disasters, or death, the circumstances can’t be changed, but we can learn how to keep our spirits high in the midst of very difficult circumstances.
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We can learn how to find joy, peace, compassion, fulfillment, purpose, etc., even amidst the disasters that are currently happening on the planet, hurricanes, earth quakes, and erupting volcanoes, as well as man-made wars raging in different parts of the planet. These are extreme situations, that affect us all directly or indirectly, but we can’t change the events themselves; we can only change how we respond to them.
Even in less extreme circumstances, something magical happens as we begin to change our attitude—our life beings to improve.
The Universe begins to send us more favorable life circumstances. And as we do our part to rid ourselves of those things in our behavior that stop us from living life more fully, the Universe sends us even more positive life circumstances, until we are basking in the bliss of our lives and are appreciating that we are doing good in the world in our unique way.
Whatever internal or external darkness you may be experiencing, know that you have the power to find your way out. Once you take the first step in helping yourself, the Universe will carry you to the next step. At the beginning, it may seem difficult and almost impossible, but this will change as you keep going.
God can’t show up if you don’t make room for Her. Think about it. Doesn’t it make sense?
This is what has worked for me and taken me out of my inner darkness when it has threatened to take over. During such times, I use the tools I have and reach out to professionals who can hold my hand and walk with me until I find my footing again.
What are you going to do to help yourself, so that the Universe can show up in your life and help you?
Tell us about it in a comment below so we can support you.
Here to help you live your highest calling,