The one thing that has contributed the most to my spiritual growth
I’m turning 60 this week and so I’ve been reflecting lately on my life, my successes, achievements and regrets. There is one thing that seems to run through all of my life experiences and through all the big decision I’ve made in my work and self-expression, my relationships, my parenting and every other area of my life. From my experience, it’s the one thing that has contributed the most to my emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth, and I want to share it with you today.Want to listen instead?
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I want to talk to you today about the importance of taking the leap and being courageous in spite of your doubts and fears. It’s the only way to grow spiritually, emotionally, in a relationship, in your profession, in your career. It’s the only way to grow, to take the leap in spite of your fears and doubts.
So my birthday’s coming up this week. I’m turning 60. So that’s a big significant birthday. And so I’ve spent the past few weeks, I’m kind of in this period of reflecting on my life, what I’ve achieved, what I’ve enjoyed, what I regret. So it’s a very interesting time for me to explore that. And the one thing that stands out for me that I really appreciate about myself, and that’s what I want to offer you today as a gift, because if you’re looking at the, you probably have this capacity in you as well.
And that is the courage that I’ve had in all areas of my life to take a big leap into the unknown, really not knowing what the result is going to be, and having my doubts and having my fears. I’m not fearless and I’m not doubtless. And I rationalize and I postpone when when I’m doubtful and when I’m scared. But something in me pushes me forward. And so in all areas of my life, in my studies, in my career, in my relationship with my spouse, in my parenting, in my friendships, in my work, in everything I do, I’ve set a goal. I’ve been scared to do it. It seems insurmountable and yet I do it.
And the period of doubt can be long. It can be a few months and it can be really scary. And I just feel, why am I doing this? And it’s never going to work. It’s kind of futile.
But then I end up doing it.
And that is the one thing that is the most important thing to your growth is to set your goal on something and then go do it in spite of your fears and doubts.
Take the leap.
You know, courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquering of your fear.
And so you can read all the spiritual books that you want and you can go to all the spiritual lectures and all the spiritual and as long as you’re a passive consumer, a passive listener, it’s going to change things in you, but very small and incremental. It’s not going to make the big shift because the spiritual teacher in the workshop or in the book or in the talk that you’re listening to is standing on stage and being courageous. They weren’t born like this. They felt a calling and they took the leap and they conquered their fear and their self doubt. They might be standing on stage and are feeling stressed and nervous, but they still standing on stage. What Brene Brown would call, they’re in the arena. They’re taking the risk to be in the arena, to live the life that they want to live.
And so the same is for you. You can surf the internet on black Friday or cyber Monday and just look for all the programs that promise you a quick fix. Something where you don’t need to do anything and it will just happen to you and it doesn’t work that way.
You need to do the step. You need to start walking the path of your life. Or you need to do the next phase, pivot to the next stage, transition to something new that will take you further on your path to the life that you fully want to live.
So first of all, it doesn’t have to be as scary as our fear tells us it is. Just do it because once you jump into what seems like an abyss, it’s a very low jump. It’s never as huge as we fear it is.
So the more you’re just fearing and not doing it, the bigger it becomes, the scarier it becomes. And then when you do it, it wasn’t that bad.
And you can always break something down into small tasks and small steps. So you might have a big dream regarding your relationship or your life career. Well, just break it down into small steps and suddenly it’s just one small step and then another small step and then another small step which eventually would take you to this big vision that you have. So breaking it down as another way of doing it.
And then finally, the joy, the exhilaration, the expansiveness that you experience when you’ve achieved something, when you’ve done something, when you’ve conquered a fear or something that you didn’t think you were able of doing and you’ve done it. The joy, the contentment, that inner peace, the pleasure that you will experience and that you probably have experienced in your life when you’ve, things like that is so big and so worth it, that just keep going, keep going.
But you need to be the one to take the step. You can ask someone to hold your hand. You can break it down to smaller chunks, but keep going. Take the step. If somebody teaches you something about how to experience more happiness, practice what they teach, you don’t just say, okay, well this is how I could do it, or this is how they’re doing it. It’s just another teaching. I’m not feeling happy just by listening to them. No, go practice. Because the contentment and the joy and the bliss and the inner peace exists in small, profoundly simple exercises and profoundly simple practices.
So go do them. And within minutes you will grow. You will change. You’ll be the teacher for someone in your life, in your work, in your family, in your friendships.
So practice this, take this in and know that I believe in you. And that I’m here telling you you can do it. I know that you have the courage. He might be a bit lazy or a bit scared, but you have the courage. I know it. And I know that what’s awaiting you on the other side is blissful, exhilarating, freedom and joy. Deep contentment and joy.
Go forth with my blessing.