Faith! The precursor to a life filled with miracles

There is a saying that “Faith begins with an experiment and ends as an experience.”
Faith is a key ingredient in any spiritual path, whether it be religious or a personal spiritual quest. But faith is not just some noble act to practice in the advanced stages of your spiritual journey. It is an essential and very practical step to manifesting what you wish for in your life. Practicing faith can actually help you birth something into being.
Because faith is such an essential step in the process of manifesting, I have given it a central place as the forth key in the Four Keys to Spiritual-Material Balance, which I present in my book, Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World.
So, here is a heart-felt endorsement to why and how to take leaps of faith, if you want to grow and accomplish many things in your life and work.
If you’re inspired, leave a comment, if you like it, spread the message.
Oh, and if you want to read more about the forth key to Spiritual-Material Balance, you can read chapter seven in my book.

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