I spoke yesterday at an event at a local library about how we can live in spiritual-material balance, and I want to share with you the main takeaway from that talk.
You can experience spiritual-material unity and balance when you live your highest calling.
Here’s how I see it. Take a look at this magnificent chestnut tree below. Nature is in perfect unity and balance between its material expression, in this case, the tree’s trunk, branches and leaves, and its spiritual emanation, the qualities it evokes such as peace, grandeur, patience, beauty, etc.
We humans can express these same qualities when we live our highest calling. When we do, we derive joy and pleasure from the work we do in the world; we feel highly energized and motivated, and experience an intensely gratifying sense of purpose and meaning. During such times, we are vibrating at a high and expansive level of presence, manifesting the unity between our spiritual aspirations and their material expression.
So how do you know what your highest calling is?
One way is to pick a quality, a talent you have, a gift you were given by the Universe to share with the world. It’s not the direct work that you’re doing, but the gift you offer through your work.
Some people instill peace and order in an organization by being in charge of the accounting. Others are dedicated to delighting your palette and awakening your spirit when you eat at their restaurant. And others share their gift of compassion and patience through working with elderly communities.
Once you realize what your gifts are, you can begin to share these qualities during your day in every and any situation you find yourself: at work, at the supermarket, at home...
I promise you that you will begin to feel true fulfillment and inner peace in your life, instead of overwhelm and self-doubt.
Everyone has some special qualities, given at birth and developed over the years, as gifts from the universe. Can you find one such gift you received, a quality that you are willing to share with the world around you?
How are you expressing your gift in your work, in your communications with colleagues, in the projects you are in charge of, and in your creative expression?
Leave a comment below or share any challenge you had finding your unique gift.
Here to help you live your highest calling,