Finding the Courage to Better Your Life
It takes courage to make lasting changes in our lives.Want to listen instead?
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Hello everybody, it’s Wednesday and another Expanding on Expansive weekly tips and teachings. Today I want to focus on, what’s stopping you from bettering your life.
What’s stopping you from bettering your life. We all have something we want to improve emotionally, spiritually, financially, in a relationship, in our health and wellness. Even when we are happy and we are content with our life, we always want to improve. It’s not because we are consumerists, but it’s because life is ever-expanding. We want to have more contentment. You can deepen your sense of contentment. You can deepen your sense of inner peace. You can deepen your connection with someone. We can create a world that’s more whole, and God knows we’re not there yet.
So there’s always more ways to grow and deepen into who you are meant to be in this life, in this incarnation, this soul, this time around. And so what might be stopping you from bettering your life and how can you make the shift? Now, what I’ve noticed is that people are afraid, are afraid to take the leap of faith. And so we need courage.
So I decided to focus all my posts this week on courage. Because when you are in a specific state of mind, in a specific place in your life that you want to shift and change, the only way to change it is to take the leap of faith to where you want to be. From where you are to where you want to be.
You’re going to have to do something you’ve never done before. Or something you’ve never done this way, before. So it demands courage. So I want to talk about courage and how you can befriend courage so that it doesn’t feel like such an act of heroism, but an act of love. And it will make it easier to take the leap to better your life, to change your life. So the post today that I posted said, “Courage is what propels us forward into a larger, more enlightened version of ourselves.”
Now courage comes from the origin of the word is from the Latin core, C O R, which means heart. So courage is really about acting upon your heart’s desire. Speaking from your heart. It’s become this act of heroism, but it’s really about coming from the heart. Loving enough, being devoted enough to a cause to add value to another person, to yourself, to the world, to a community that you were part of, that you’re willing to make a change. You’re willing to be beyond your comfort zone and going to something new, in order to transform your life, somebody else’s life, the world. Now you cannot solve a problem from the mindset that created it, right? That’s a famous Einstein quote. So you need to change your mind in order to change your life. And when you are in a state of whatever life you’re living, whatever your life’s situation is, it has a mental, emotional, spiritual component, which creates a specific field of consciousness and the unique vibrational field that then is manifested in the material plane.
And so when you’re looking at your life and saying, I don’t like this, there are thoughts and emotions and beliefs and values that are associated with that and then they get expressed in the material world. Now, if you want to change your life and you say, I want to improve something, whatever area it is, whatever it is, small or big. Because acts of courage can be small and they can be huge life-transforming ones, but we can do acs of courage every day. And then they accumulate into a larger transformation. So when you want to change something, you have an idea of what it is.
,You might not have written in your journal about it or done a vision board about it, but you have some visual or emotional or thoughts, sense of this is where I’d like to be I just don’t know how to get there. You can’t because you’re in a different state now, right? But you have the idea. So then courage is this fuel injection of adrenaline to get you going, the first step, because you’re going to move out from this field of consciousness that you’re in that manifests where you are now into a new state of consciousness, that’s going to manifest something new. You don’t know what it’s going to be. Like. You have an idea that it’s, it’s the right thing. You want it more than anything for yourself, for someone, for the world, but there’s no guarantee. There’s no guarantee when we wake up in the morning that we’re going to still be alive by the end of this day, right?
So it takes an act of courage to live every day and trust. So you need this fuel injection from the world. This adrenaline shot of being bigger than who you are, because that’s what courage gives you. You’re bigger than who you are at this moment and allows you to jump into what seems to you like an abyss, but often it’s much smaller than what we fear before.
So the way to have more courage and to easily change, because if you don’t shift, if you don’t do a courageous act, you’ll stay where you’re at. It’s just the laws of how things work. So the way to have courage without feeling that you need to be this hero, is to follow your heart’s desire. And to go from a place of, I love this dearly, I love myself so much, I care for myself so much, I see myself as a miracle as sacred. My soul wants me to move forward to do something and you care enough for yourself. That that will be your guide that will lead you and will give you the courage instead of trying to brace it, right?
And the same, if you love someone dearly, or you love something a cause dearly, a group of people dearly, nature, whatever it is, animals, go from a place of love. Follow your heart. Like the word, courage comes from heart. Follow your heart and take the leap into the new and into the unknown from your heart center. And that will make it easier to be courageous. It will make it much easier because when we love, there’s nothing else. That moment it’s timeless and it’s worthwhile. Even if you don’t make it, that journey was worthwhile. So coming from love will give you the assurance that you have the stamina, the endurance to take the leap.
There’s this famous scene with Harrison Ford.,I think it’s in Raiders of the Lost Ark three or one of those. And he’s being chased by a group of men for sure. I don’t recall exactly. And they’re up in some cliffs and he’s running away from them and he reaches the edge of the cliff. It’s a famous scene so you might know it. And he reaches the abyss and the other side is really far away in it’s okay. It’s the guys that are arriving from the back or it’s jumping into the abyss with certain death, right? So no one would actually jump into the abyss like this, not knowing, but it’s a movie and he jumps into the abyss. And when he does that, rocks begin to show up wherever his feet are, foot, a foot, a foot rocks show up out of nowhere, out of the abyss and allow him to cross the abyss to the other side and he can’t be caught. And I just love it, it’s such a great metaphor for what it means to have the courage to go into what seems like a shift that’s huge. It’s never as awful as we imagine it. We create fear in our mind, much more than what taking the risk and having courage really ends up being.
So follow your heart and have courage to act upon your hearts desire and upon the love and the devotion that you have within you, that will carry you through. And the universe will bring you lots of rocks, like for Harrison Ford, that will rise from the abyss to support you as you move to grander, more noble, more expansive, larger enlightened version of yourself.
So I leave you with a lot of blessings of courage for today for the rest of the week. I will be back next week with another Expanding on Expansive weekly tips and teachings.