What to Do When Things Are Not Going Your Way?

The word Patience originates from the Latin word for “suffering.” So, it’s no wonder we often find it hard to be patient, especially when we are eager for change and have seen in our mind’s eye what is possible. No one wants to inflict suffering intentionally on themselves, right? Now, as you know, when all the conditions are set in place for something to materialize, then you can experience instant manifestation. I’m sure you have experienced that in your life. But when the conditions are not all ready, then practicing patience can be very helpful.

Now, I have to confess that I have a hard time being patient. When I know what I want, I just want it to happen immediately. Why would I want to wait, if I can already see the change coming. But I have come to learn the value in nurturing something you desire into being. And so, I have found three main shifts in your perspective that can help you turn patience into a present and stop suffering so much when things aren’t going your way.

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