An interview with a guided exercise
I was a guest on the Women Connecting in Wisdom podcast. We spoke about spiritual wellness, something we all need more of these days, when everything is still so intense and uncertain. Yes, more people are getting vaccinated and things are slowly opening up. But the world has changed forever, and we need to find our way in this new reality. That’s where spiritual resources can really support us and even be a life savior.The interview was supposed to last for twenty minutes but we kept going for nearly an hour. Towards the end, I offered a simple and very useful guided exercise where you can create a greater sense of spiritual wellness throughout your day.
I myself was changed by this interview. Our dialogue was profound, as we got into some serious conversation about what spiritual wellness might mean for you as you live through these intense times, depending on your race or ethnicity, or even your gender or socio-economic class.
I invite you to watch or listen to this podcast. I come on eleven minuets into the show.
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