The Simple Secret to Accessing Your Spiritual Power Now!
This week’s meditation from Eileen Caddy’s book, Opening Doors Within: 365 daily meditations from Findhorn, focuses on accessing your spiritual powers. It is a beautiful reminder that you are a divine being of light. That you have the capacity to live by spiritual laws, which will connect you to your innate spiritual powers. While this may seem like a big and, maybe even, daunting undertaking, it is actually very simple and can be done with great ease. No effort is needed if you use this one simple secrete to accessing your spiritual power now.If you’re inspired, leave a comment, if you like it, spread the message.
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Expansive with Anna Gatmon, here again with another daily reading from Eileen Caddy’s book, Opening Doors Within, which I read every day and practice. And today’s reading, which I picked is from July 26, is all about tapping into your spiritual power. And so after I read the daily meditation, I will give you a tip, the one secret to accessing your spiritual power. Now, what can you do to harness, tap in and harness your spiritual power, now, when you want to do it at any moment?
So let me first start with the reading.
“I am within. I’m not more in one soul than in another. It is simply a matter of awareness. Some souls are more aware of the divinity within them than others, and are able to draw from that source and live by that source. Therefore they appear to be living in demonstrating something super-natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. It is simply living by my loss, using the power that is within each one, as it should be used. Air is there to be breathed, but it is up to you to breathe it in. Electricity is there to be used, but it has to be harnessed and then switched on and used. Otherwise the electricity is there, but it does not demonstrate its power, which is waiting to be released. So with a spiritual power within you, it is there for you to use, but unless you plug in and switch on that power, there, it remains. It remains unused like electricity.”
And so what can you do? What is the first step that you can do to, first of all, realize that you are a powerful, spiritual being of light and that you have infinite spiritual powers within you, that you can tap into and use to better your life to improve your life, to live with more purpose, to live with more joy, to live with an open heart, and then to implement it in all areas of your life and live by the spiritual laws and to have them manifest in your life. What is that one thing that you can do? And that one thing is your imagination. You can start by imagining what it would be like if you had spiritual power.
So what you can do is you can close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, settle in, connect to yourself, make sure that you’re not kind of holding your shoulders or your jaw is released. And then ask yourself a simple question. If I had spiritual powers, what would it feel like if I had spiritual powers, what would the sensation be like in my body? Where would I feel it? How would I know that I have spiritual powers? Any cues in my sensory felt sense? Any cues in my feelings, in my heart, like how would I know that I’ve tapped into my spiritual power. Then, any thoughts I would have? What would be a thought that I would have if I am tapped into my spiritual power, and then you can go on and ask any question that you want, what would my life be like? What would I be able to do? And this is not about having power over other people or being able to manipulate them to do what you want them to do. This is about you being empowered, connecting to your own power.
So what would you be able to do if you were connected to your spiritual power, how would it change your health? How would it change your self care practice?How would it change your eating habits, sleeping, exercising habits? How would it change your home environment? How would you, if you had spiritual powers, what would your home and life be like? What would your relationships be like? How would your attitude be towards other people? What would be an emotion that you would love to have and be able to experience and connect with? That would be proof for you, that you are tapped into your spiritual powers. There are so many emotions and so many qualities that you could use and that you could play with. And you could experience and express and appreciate, but start with one. What is something that you would want to experience more of? That would be proof for you? I have spiritual power and I just switched it on like electricity and I’m tapped in now.
You see, you can ask yourself a question about anything, how would my finances be different? If I was connected to this amazing power that I have, the spiritual powers, the spiritual laws that come through me, that I can use. What would it be like? How would my life be different? So it’s not hoping how would it be different if some spiritual law would suddenly appear and do some magical trick for you? It’s how you taking full responsibility and tapping into your spiritual powers, to the spiritual laws that are available for you within you. Just settle in and ask any question, start first with feeling, heart, sensation in your body, any shifts in your thoughts, what would you be thinking? What would your attitude be like? What would a belief that you would have be, and then go out into what would a different area in your life be like, what would you be doing differently? What would your interactions be different with people? What would be the choices that you’d make? How would they be different? The decisions you make, what would your life be like if you lived by spiritual laws and tapped into your spiritual power?
So you see, it’s really not about something hard work that you need to do. It’s really about in a sense, settling in with ease and asking in your heart, your intuition, your gut feeling, your imagination. What would you want it to be like if you were tapped into spiritual powers? That is the most effective way to tap into your spiritual powers, because when you imagine it, then you can make it happen. You can start taking action towards the vision that just occurred to you, what you imagined. So I hope this is helpful for you to see how easy it is, with ease to tap into your own spiritual power using your imagination is the most effective way.
And if you are inspired, I’d love to hear what it was like, what insights you had, which challenges, you can leave me a comment.
I send you off with blessings and wish for you to tap into your true essence, to your true nature, to your spiritual power.