Stop feeling bad that you are unable to manifest everything Instantly!
We are all searching for ways to manifest what we most desire. There are hundreds of videos on YouTube about how to attract a relationship, wealth, better health, or whatever your heart desires. But aligning yourself to the vibration of what you desire, to use law of attraction terminology, is not always that easy to do. To increase your chances of realizing what you want, start paying attention to the spiritual and material laws of manifesting. Here’s what I mean…Want to listen instead?
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I want to talk to you about the law of attraction and specifically from my angle about the spiritual and material dimensions of the law of attraction and of manifesting and the spiritual and material preparation that needs to occur in order for the law of attraction to work, and in order for you to manifest what you desire.
Everybody is searching for ways to manifest what we desire most. And there are tons, thousands of videos on YouTube about how to attract a relationship or wealth or health, whatever you want. And I think that something really important is missing in all of those teachings. Because a lot of what you hear in in books or teachers or videos about the law of attraction, it’s just, just get into alignment. Just say what you want and it will manifest. And the fact is that it takes time for things to manifest.
I mean, it’s a sacred act, manifestation. Think of the billions of years that it’s taken for evolution to come to this place, to this point that you are alive and I’m alive.
You are a celestial event that has happened after billions of years. There needs to be some respect and some sacredness to what it takes to manifest something in the material physical world. On this planet that we live on now as humans, we are the creative force on this planet.
So we have the capacity to travel from the spiritual to the material, from the imaginal to the concrete, from vision to manifesting, from imagining, to creating everything. We have this capacity. So it is possible to manifest what we want to manifest, but this is what we need to pay attention to.
First of all, as first of all the seed idea, the desire happens in the nonphysical realm, in the, in the dimension that Deepak Chopra calls the field of pure potentiality. Then we need to really nurture the vision, nurture the vision, the desire that we want to manifest. And that can take time.
That’s why people tell you to do a vision board because you are visioning what it is. But if you think of the time that it’s taken to create an Oak tree, to create the blueprint for Oak trees to exist on our planet. And then if you want to grow an Oak tree, you need to prepare.
So the seed idea is, I want to grow an Oak tree.
But you need to plan even before you grow it, you need to have the space, the earth as Oak trees can grow into big trees. Then you might want to have a lot of space and you want to plan that in advance. And then you want to research where you can get a good Oak tree and what size and price and then you need to make sure that you have the money to pay for it and you have the time to take care of it.
Or how do you take care of an Oak tree?
Do you need to water it or not?
Are there better as seasons?
I mean, look, all of these are just things that I’m just saying right now on the spot just in preparing to plant and grow an Oak tree. And then there’s the tending to the Oak tree. Once you’ve gone through all of the planning of it, there’s the actual doing, intending to it, whatever it needs to nurture it to grow.
And so you see there’s preparation on the spiritual side or non-material side, and then there’s maintenance or preparation and maintenance on the physical material side.
Now that doesn’t mean that things can’t manifest immediately. It’s just that it’s a sacred act. And somehow the law of attraction has become this like instant food, instant gratification. Just align yourself to the vibrational state of what you want and it’s going to occur.
Now, aligning yourself to the vibrational state of something for it to occur means making shifts if you’re not there.
So I mean, just simple. You need to have money to buy an Oak tree in order to grow an Oak tree, right? So you need to be in the vibrational state where you have the money for it. And if you don’t, then you need to do something in order to have the capacity to pay for the Oak tree.
So the vibrational state is not an instant thing that you arrive at immediately. One thing right now, the desire is that thing that you can have right now, but then you really need to continue keeping this desire in you and preparing everything for it to occur.
So both the vision of it and then doing the internal work. So when it’s an Oak tree, you might not have a lot of internal work to do, but if you’re looking for a romantic relationship or to lose weight, you’re going to have some work to do in order to prepare yourself. So just know this, when you desire something and it happens immediately and you say, wow, the law of attraction works, that happens immediately. It’s because the conditions both in the spiritual realm and in the physical material dimension, the conditions were prepared.
And suddenly it manifests and actually everything was ready. You weren’t ready yet. You were behind, you were thinking of something else, you didn’t know it was possible.
And then at some point somebody told you, you know, just ask for it. Just go for it. And you didn’t know that it was all waiting ready for you. And suddenly leaf manifests really quickly, instantly, or within the next day or something.
These things happen all the time and we’d go, it’s a miracle or a synchronistic event. That conditions were there ready and you in your consciousness, you are not aware of it.
In the same way, when you don’t manifest something that you desire this very moment and he doesn’t show up within 48 hours, it doesn’t mean you’re forsaken or the law of attraction doesn’t work. It means that the conditions aren’t ready yet. They’re not ready and have some respect for that because remember it took billions of years for you to arrive as a celestial event.
So prepare your vision and what it means to prepare is to give it love and care. Nurture it in the most delicate way. This is a sacred desire that you have. It’s something that you really want, that you long for. So treat it with respect, with care, with love, with kindness. Imagine what it would look like, what it would feel like. How are you going to make it work? What are the steps that you need to take because you need to show up for it to occur and you need to prepare them that material, physical conditions for it so that the channels are ready for this thing to arrive from the ethers or from your thoughts, your vision, and suddenly manifest materially. So let’s stop this instant gratification. It’s happening right now. This moment.
Instead focus on loving and caring and nurturing your desires and your visions.
And pay attention to what instructions you’re getting from inner wisdom or outer prompts to move you the way so that both the spiritual conditions in the ethers and the material conditions are ready for everything to manifest. And then you will see how things begin to occur in your life and you’ll have miracle upon miracle. And you will have synchronistic events along the way so that the journey of it happening is also part of it occurring.
So enjoy the journey.
So to summarize, pay attention to the spiritual aspect of your desires and to the material aspect of your desires. You can pick a desire and then see how can I nurture it and allow it to grow on the idea level, on the vision level, and what material, physical conditions do I need to create for it to be ready to manifest and enjoy the journey.
Because once you have it, you have it.
But the journey of creating it is the journey of raising a child or growing an Oak tree, nurturing something with love. There is so much joy and excitement and contentment in the journey of bringing something of birthing, something. So take your time. Treat your desires as sacred.
Look at the spiritual aspect of your desire. Its material manifestation, and what you need to prepare for the idea to be fleshed out on the spiritual idea level and what conditions you need to prepare, maybe internal work or external conditions for your desire to be ready to manifest on the material plane.
Leave a comment below and I will engage with you and respond.
IT’s the issue of trust, Anna, I just can’t get there. It seems unimaginable, for me, I feel invisible in the universe.
Hey Noel, first of all, apparently the emails that let me know that you have posted a comment where going to an old email of mine, and so I was not aware of any comments. This is embarrassing!!! So apologies for the delayed approval of your comment and my response, but here it is:
Noel, when you look at someone else in your life, a family member or a friend, can you see them as a precious divine creation? If so, then why would you be any different? What you see in others you have within you as well. The difference is that you are seeing them through the eyes of love. Can you do the same for yourself? It takes intentional, focused practice, but it will bring you into an Expansive state of being when you can appreciate yourself as much as you appreciate others. Sending you many blessings of self-love and self-care.
Hello Anna
I am realizing the spiritual and physical laws of attraction are being suspended by my clutter and disorganization. I am sleep deprived due to my husband’s illness and have been for three years. I have had lots of therapy and so has my husband. He is 85 and miserable. He is Greek and loves to be miserable and very negative. He fell down the stairs three years ago and had had a long recovery. He is getting better but I have been a full time caregiver but it has taken its toll on me. I believe in the law of attraction. My energy level is low at 69 yrs old, I need to pace myself and get more sleep. I have in the past had many mini miracles and some big ones with the law of attraction.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hey Lyn, let me apologize again for not getting back to you sooner. Apparently the emails that let me know that you have posted a comment where going to an old email of mine, and so I was not aware of any comments. So apologies for the delayed approval of your comment and my response, but here it is:
It is not an easy situation when you become a caregiver for a loved one. It’s not easy to see them decline, or take a long time to heal, and it is indeed taxing to be a full time caregiver. And so the question is how to replenish your energy so that you are not depleted. Kind of like putting an oxygen mask on yourself in an airplane emergency before you help others. This might feel selfish, but why would it? In your situation, you must insist even more on taking care of yourself, living with intention and asking for what you need from the Universe. Life has given you, as it does to all of us in different ways, the perfect conditions to grow into a vibrant, happy person, expressing the spiritual essence of your life purpose in all areas of your life. The question is, how are you going to do that? I can tell you that you deserve it and that it will bring vitality into your home and relationship. Experiment with focusing on yourself and your needs, as well as on your spouses needs, and observe what happens in your relationship as a result. There may be many lessons awaiting for you in doing that. I send you many blessings of strength and courage.
Hello Anna,
I just ordered your book for the book club and signed up. I also put it on my kindle.
I am looking gotesrd to participating.
Hey Lyn. I’m glad we worked this one out through email. I’ll let you know if I start the bookclub again.
Ok I feel things happens where in previous life the unfulfilled strong desire will automatically be granted by nature